Nintendo Life | Forum Topics 2024 Hookshot MediaWed, 15 Jan 2025 03:19:41 GMT[email protected] (Nintendo Life)10 Life, 14 Jan 2025 13:16:54 GMTThe Blood of DawnwalkerI love vampire-themed entertainment. I thoroughly enjoyed The Witcher III. Probably won't have the budget necessary to reach the height of TW III. However, I hope this will be on the level of Vampyr, which is a pretty good vampire game.

Lets go!

Tue, 14 Jan 2025 05:37:54 GMTGameboy color and new LCD screen - short circuit?Hello,
I recently bought two LCD screens for my old gameboy color. Once I have installed them and try to turn on my GBC, it stays on for a few seconds and then turns off (turns off the whole system not just the screen - the power light goes off too). This happened with both LCD. Is a short circuit causing that? When I put back the old screen, it works.

I really want to install my new LCD screen and apparently I am the only one that can not make it work 😔

Tue, 14 Jan 2025 01:45:36 GMT2025 - What 3DS/DS(i)(ware) games still need a Switch/2 release?Ok,

In 2025 (Jan), . . .

What 3DS/DS(i)(ware)/GBA games still need to be ported to the Switch/2?

And . . .

What have been your favourite 3DS/DS(i)(ware)/GBA games that got ported to Switch/2?

I guess for me, I'd like Samus Returns ported to Switch/2 (even though I've played it and finished it on my 2DS. That is one game I'd actually be up to picking up on the Switch/2 and play through again.).

And . . . although I haven't played it yet (but I've got the cart waiting, just in case I actually finish OOT and MM LOL), is Zelda A Link Between Worlds.

As for existing ports, I guess I'm liking Mario vs. Donkey Kong (GBA). I've got the Switch cart, but I don't get a lot of Switch time so I haven't progressed too far on that yet. 'been mainly sticking to our 2DS. :)

Tue, 14 Jan 2025 01:08:23 GMTTomodachi Life -- Absurd High Price?Hey, :)

This article fell across my feed. It's from . . .

"Classic Nintendo 3DS Game Is Exploding in Price to Absurd Highs" . . .

Apparently loose copies of Tomodachi Life are going for $150 and CIB are going for $175.

Does anyone here buy carts that high in price?

Does anyone have that cart?

What is the most you paid for a cart, and what was it?

The most I've paid for a 3DS game is $50 for Samus Returns, with cart + box.

At one point, I was tempted to try to track down a copy of the Game Cube Zelda Collection . . . but when I got the 2DS I decided to get OOT and MM for the 2DS instead so I could play it on the go. I'm glad I did. I'm sure I've got more gaming in being able to game wherever I am. :)

Mon, 13 Jan 2025 19:59:56 GMTWhat are the chances Switch 2 gets a pack-in game?Place your bets, folks. Nintendo's pack-in games are more often than not...legendary. Well, up until the Switch, where Nintendo sold us (what should've been the pack-in) a $50 tech demo in 1-2 Switch. So, here on the cusp of Nintendo announcing new hardware, what do we think?

Pack-in or no pack-in?

Sony gave PS5 buyers ASTRO's Playroom.

Personally, I feel there'll be a pack-in. I just don't have a clue which it would be. MK8D and Breath of the Wild continue to sell incredibly well. And you wouldn't want to mar the launch with Everybody 1-2 Switch or something equally mid.

Snipperclips, perhaps?

Mon, 13 Jan 2025 03:13:50 GMTWhat's your favorite game of all time?Hello everybody! I was kinda shocked there wasn't another major thread like this on the site. It's just one very simple question: what is your favorite game of all time? Along with an explanation hopefully. (A fun story about why you love it so much, a mini review, or at the very least I expect a good pun) I really look forward to reading what everyone has to say! ]]>, 12 Jan 2025 14:10:50 GMTGrand Theft Auto 5 + 6I thought it was worth having a GTA thread, what are the chances of GTA 5 and GTA 6 ending up on the Switch?

GTA 5 strikes me as a Mario Kart 8 type scenario, a great game that is fully complete and just needs to be ported, sounds like an easy win? Maybe even something to test the water with regard to GTA 6?

I suppose we'll need to know more about the Switch 2 hardware before a judgement can be made on if GTA 6 will make it, but if the Switch 2 sells anywhere near what the Switch 1 sold then surely Rockstar would be interested?

Sat, 11 Jan 2025 15:38:44 GMTWhat are you playing on 3DS? (2025 Edition)Hello Everyone,

Once again, it is a New Year!

What is everyone's plans with your 3DS/2DS?

I got sidetracked last year and ended up not finishing any games on my 2DS. :(

But with the imminent? announcement of the successor to the Switch, it reminded me of all the games I have unfinished on my 2DS. LOL.

Top of my list is to finally finish Zelda OOT. I'm almost done. But I've been almost done since early last year. But I took a sidetrack to run back through the game for missing points. LOL.

Another is Super Mario 3D Land. I finished the regular worlds, but haven't really explored the special worlds.

After that I'm going to start 2 games. I'm going to start Zelda MM and Mario vs. Donkey Kong Minis March Again!

TBH . . . in the "old days" I tried to 100% the games I really liked, but I don't do that anymore. LOL. Too many good games I want to try. :)

Sat, 11 Jan 2025 12:46:59 GMTWhat game(s) will be covered by the Sonic 4 movie? (Spoilers for Sonic 3)Just wondering what games people think will be covered in the Sonic the Hedgehog 4 movie, after the two end credits scenes. I think there's a few ways they could go so I'm interested to hear people's takes.

SPOILERS for all the SONIC Movies.

I personally think that Sonic Heroes might be possible inspiration.

Sat, 11 Jan 2025 04:02:36 GMTVoucher transfer?Do you think the Switch online Nintendo Vouchers will transfer to the Nintendo Switch 2? I went ahead and ordered 2 before my subscription ran out. I am hoping for some last minute switch games like some green guy sailing around in a lion boat for example lol. But outside that, I am hoping they would be usable for both systems. ]]>, 10 Jan 2025 19:39:50 GMTAmazon Cancels Metroid Prime 4 Preorder After Over 7 YearsI pre-ordered Metroid Prime 4 on Amazon after it was first announced in 2017. See, back then Amazon took 20% off pre-order games if you were a Prime member (in the US at least), so I was in the habit of locking that in when a game that I knew I wanted was announced. I kept that pre-order for all these years to hold onto that discount (that promotion was ended a while ago). That is until today... I just received an email from Amazon saying that my pre-order was cancelled "due to lack of availability."

Now, it should go without saying that since this game has never been available the explanation here doesn't really make any sense. It has me wondering if Amazon is cancelling these pre-orders so that they don't have to adhere to a now long defunct promotion before relisting the game for pre-order following an announcement. If so, that announcement could be very soon. Just wanted to share that info.

Fri, 10 Jan 2025 17:52:08 GMTLets talk about those Switch 2 retailer game listings.Unannounced / Unconfirmed Fnac (French retailer) Switch 2 listings.

3x Bethesda (Skyrim, always a given, am I right? Oblivion Remake? Fallout 76?)
4x Electronic Arts (Madden? The Sims 4? UFC 4? Soccer?)
2x Bandai Namco (Tekken 8? Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero?)
5x Square Enix (Visions of Mana? Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth? Star Ocean: The Divine Force? Forspoken? Valkyrie Elysium?)
2x Take Two (Red Dead Redemption II? Grand Theft Auto V?)
2x Warner Bros. (Batman: Arkham Knight leaked/confirmed & Hogwarts Legacy?)

Opinions? Thoughts? Which ports would you assume?

Fri, 10 Jan 2025 11:17:12 GMTThis was Nintendo Life this day in 2017Everyone was eagerly awaiting the full presentation of the new Nintendo console! There were patents for VR? What could that mean? And look Nintendo was still releasing new 3DS games.

What do you think of this?

Wed, 08 Jan 2025 23:25:10 GMTNL Spoiler Policy?I love reading Nintendo Life, but I also want to be surprised by the Direct reveal. I've managed to avoid photo leaks and details almost completely, and I'd love it to stay that way. I'm wary of reading even the headlines right now for fear of spoilers. Are y'all concerned about that for your readers, and do you have protocols to prevent spoilers? ]]>, 08 Jan 2025 17:22:01 GMTVirtua Fighter 6That concept video for the alpha version of VF6...absolutely wild. That contextual blocking alone is mesmerizing. To say that I'm excited for more would be an understatement. It'll be nice to have a modern-developed fighting game without special moves, fireballs, or screen-filling nonsense.

Just pure martial arts.

Wed, 08 Jan 2025 16:41:43 GMTAnyone else thinking of waiting for Switch 2 V2?I mean, I look at the leaks. I'm thinking, "screen won't be OLED, SoC could be smaller, on-board storage memory could be bigger, and microSD express card sizes for memory expansion are too small." My current OG Switch OLED is still doing just fine. Am I out of line for feeling that...if I could wait a few years after the launch of the Switch'll be worth the wait.

Fair to assume Nintendo will iterate on the Switch 2.

Pardon my cynicism, but Switch 2 Pro when?

Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:40:16 GMTGood games for a bad dayHey NintendoLife, been a while since I posed a question to the forum. Lately I've been going through a bit of a sad patch in my life, and have taken a slight break from both the forum and gaming in general. Only for a small spell, mind you, but still. While I was away, I thought of a question that would make for an interesting topic, though forgive me if it's already been asked on here before. My question for you is: "What are the games that make you happy on a bad/sad day." What are the games that can take the what would otherwise be a miserable day and give you a sense of relief, bliss, etc. I should make it clear, these games don't have to be cozy or emotional games, per se, just games that make you happy. (Regardless of genre.) They can be something as calm and quiet as Animal Crossing, or chaotic and intense like Doom. I think it'd be neat to compile different perspectives, and put some positive energy out there. While I ask this for some ideas that might help me get out of my sad rut, it might be nice for other users out there who are also going through a sad spell. Hearing other people talk about the things that make them happy can, in turn, provide some happiness for those looking for it, and the cycle continues. Maybe it's a sappy idea for a topic, but hey, I'm a sappy guy. I'm curious to hear what games get you guys through tough times. <3 ]]>, 05 Jan 2025 23:09:28 GMTThe Year of Silver / Silver the hedgehog solo Game?A Friend of mine got to visit Sega of japan while on holiday and said that he saw them working on something New With Silver he said it looked like they where in the beginnings of Development and saw concept logos for “the Year of Silver” But take this With a grain of salt Because he only texted me this information And sent no pics so yeah I thought I’d post this just in case he was telling the truth lol ]]>, 05 Jan 2025 03:39:43 GMTYour Dream Switch 2 LineupOne of the most exciting parts of a new console is the new games it brings. What kinds of games do you want to see on the Switch 2?

Here is what I would like to see:
-A full sized, open world 3D Mario game in the style of Bowser's Fury
-A Mario Wonder sequel that includes a Mario Maker-style level designer mode
-A Rosalina spinoff that essentially functions as Galaxy 3
-A proper Mario Kart 9 that adapts most of the non-gacha elements from Tour into console games
-Later in the console's lifespan, an open world Mario Kart side entry in the vein of Diddy Kong Racing or Forza Horizons.
-Gen 10 Pokemon that brings back diving but makes it freely controllable like typical action games instead of "press B to warp to the seafloor"
-A reimagining of OoT with BotW-esque open world elements in Hyrule Field
-An open world Splatoon spinoff
-An Animal Crossing spinoff starring Tom Nook which is more of a business management sim.
-A 3D Kirby game that's more Metroidvania style
-A 3D DK game that's a hybrid platformer/beat em up (think something like the Werehog from Sonic Unleashed).
-A remake of Kirby 64 that adds Leaf and Water along with new combo abilities for them, as well as 4 player co-op allowing other players to play as Waddle Dee (maybe retconned to Bandana Dee), Adeline, and King Dedede.
-A 2.5D reimagining of Yoshi's Story with a gimmick that lets Yoshi interact with pop-up book elements to affect the level (for example, you could pull on pull tabs with Yoshi's tongue to cause platforms to appear)
-A Super Metroid remake that adds in some newer abilities and overhauls Maridia (no Super Metroid is not perfect, Maridia's design is utterly terrible).
-A new Star Fox game that's more of a Starlink/No Man's Sky style open space game

Additionally, I have no specific ideas for what to see from these games but I would definitely like to see new entries in 2D Zelda, 2D Kirby, Metroid Prime 5 with Metroid Prime 4 also being cross gen, Luigi's Mansion, Mario vs. DK, Captain Toad, and a revival of Wario Land.

Pie in the sky stuff, but if we can even get a quarter of this the Switch 2 that would be a great lineup.

Sun, 05 Jan 2025 02:02:27 GMTNX leaks vs. Switch 2 leaksI followed the hype cycle for the original Switch pretty aggressively (hard to believe it was so long ago) and remember seeing a lot of leaks like we're seeing now with Switch 2. It was a fun time to imagine where Nintendo could go from the Wii U. But at the end of the day, almost none of them turned out to be true. Despite this, I still enjoy looking at leaks, but I never put stock in them. That said I am genuinely curious. Why are some people acting like the Switch 2 leaks have confirmed the whole system? Is there some factor that makes this set of leaks more legitimate than the past leaks? I don't have enough industry knowledge to assess this myself.
TDLR: Are Switch 2 leaks actually legit or are people just hyping them up. ]]>